Symbi, Iowa's first GK-12 Program is a partnership between Iowa State University and the Des Moines Public School District. Symbi is funded by the National Science Foundation to support Iowa State University graduate students (Fellows) conducting interdisciplinary research in areas associated with biorenewables. Each Fellow works collaboratively with a selected middle school science teacher to leverage the Fellow's research experiences as they develop innovative and engaging science activities for middle school students. The Fellows spend one full day every week throughout the public school year in a Des Moines middle school science classroom performing the duties of a "resident scientist" as they interact with their partner teacher and students. Symbi is a response to President Obama's call to the nation's scientists to "spend time in the classroom, talking and showing young people what it is that your work can mean and what it means to you […] to think about new and creative ways to engage young people in science and engineering."

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bew Hands on Activities to Enhance Science Curriculum in the Classroom

New Resources and Lesson Plans posted on the website for free download. These lesson plans were developed in collaboration between science teachers, scientisits, and engineers!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Symbi researchers teach children

The Iowa State Daily published a story on Symbi, Iowa's GK-12 Program in their Career Edition section on February 7, 2011.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New VIDEO posted: Learning about Snakes

Visit our YouTube Channel to see Tonia teach her 7th grade science class about her research.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Measuring Heat Energy Lesson Plan Posted on Website!

Check out the new Lesson Plan posted on Measuring Heat Energy for 8th grade students.

Friday, January 28, 2011

NEW VIDEO Posted to Website: DNA Extraction from a Blood Sample

Tonia Schwartz, GK-12 Fellow and Mr. Gary Morris, 7th grade Science Teacher at Meredith Middle School in Des Moines, Iowa uses Skype technology to interact and bring science to life!
Check out the website:

Program Connection to Washington

This program is a response to President Obama’s call to the nation’s scientists to “spend time in the classroom, talking and showing young people what it is that your work can mean and what it means to you […] to think about new and creative ways to engage young people in science and engineering.”